fernanda branco
environment embodiment - towards enchanted narratives
The Ph.D. Artistic Research project deals with how we interact with places from an ecological agency spectrum. Researching through site-specific performances in urban and natural worlds environments, based on movement, voice, text and its relation with those landscapes. While creating enchanted narratives, inspired on micro-phenomenology inquiring method and poetic approaches.
Oslo National Academy of the Arts - Theatre Department
from the seventh floor to outside #4
Practicing to encounter place backwards.
Exploring ways of gazing, focussing on awareness, attention, perception and sensing modes.
Allowing places to unfold themselves in variable directions, timing and perspectives.
Second day of explorative collaboration with the visual artist Hilde Flikke.
video: Hilde Flikke
12th january 2021
A two days exploration, where I practiced encountering places by walking backwards, while the visual artist Hilde Flikke wrote imprints of these experiences.
The pen is moving in between the body of the mover, it's anatomy, other bodies, textures, motions.
As l walk backwards, Hilde is mapping out glimpses of this trajectory, from Studio 5 on the seventh floor of KHIO, going out into corridors, stairs, entrance hall till outside the institution building.
This drawing landmarks my passage through the entrance hall.
Drawing by Hilde Flikke
12th of January 2021

A mobile notebookwall
Practice - where and how to place my thoughts?
Thinking while moving, moving while thinking. Standing while thinking, thinking while standing.
Capturing a thought while seating, standing, walking, placing a thought while standing.
Stand on the top of the thought ( till the post it is glued. It was a technical issue. It became a pause). Thinking while pausing.
15th december 2020